
How to create a data-driven CRM strategy

Data & AI


How to create a data-driven CRM strategy

Data & AI

Learn how to create a strategy, the difference between data-driven vs. model-driven, and CRM database examples. Unlock the potential of data-driven CRM!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Data Driven CRM

What Is Data-Driven vs. Model-Driven?

While data-driven CRM uses real-time data and insights to make decisions, model-driven CRM relies on predefined models and algorithms to predict customer behaviour. The key difference between the two lies in their approach to decision-making.

Data-driven CRM responds to actual customer data as it unfolds, allowing for rapid adjustments in strategies and tactics. On the other hand, model-driven CRM relies on predictive models that may not always accurately reflect current customer trends, making it more suitable for stable or less dynamic markets.

Ultimately, the choice between data-driven and model-driven CRM depends on your business's specific goals, industry, and customer base. Some businesses may benefit from a blend of both approaches, leveraging the strengths of each to create a comprehensive CRM strategy that caters to both short-term responsiveness and long-term planning.

What Are CRM Database Examples?

A well-structured CRM database is the backbone of any effective customer relationship management (CRM) strategy. It is a central repository for customer information, interactions, and insights, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and deliver personalised experiences. Let's explore some key CRM database examples to understand how businesses can use this valuable resource:

1. Customer Profiles

CRM databases store detailed customer profiles with essential information such as names, contact details, demographics, purchase history, and communication preferences. These profiles serve as a comprehensive reference point for understanding individual customers. By analysing this data, businesses can tailor their marketing campaigns, products, and services to cater to each customer's specific needs and preferences.

2. Sales Funnel Tracking

CRM databases track the progress of leads through the sales funnel. This information is crucial for sales teams, helping them identify where leads are in the buying process and providing insights into conversion rates at each stage. By analysing this data, businesses can pinpoint bottlenecks in the sales process and make strategic adjustments to improve conversion rates.

3. Customer Support Tickets

CRM databases store data related to customer support interactions, including the nature of the issue, resolution times, and customer feedback. By analysing support ticket data, businesses can identify common customer pain points and areas where additional training or resources may be needed for their support teams. This leads to more efficient and effective customer support.

4. Email Marketing Campaigns

CRM databases play a crucial role in email marketing. They store data on email subscribers, including their engagement history (open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates). This data enables businesses to track the performance of email marketing campaigns and refine their strategies over time. Email content and timing personalisation can be based on this data, resulting in more targeted and successful campaigns.

5. Social Media Engagement

CRM databases can also incorporate data related to social media interactions. This data includes customer engagement on social media platforms, such as likes, comments, and shares. By monitoring social media engagement, businesses can gauge customer sentiment, identify engagement opportunities, and promptly address any negative feedback. This proactive approach to social media management helps build a positive online brand image.

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