ADA’s XACT segmentation helped a communication conglomerate optimise digital campaigns, boosting reach by 130% and reducing CPA by 57% with targeted ads.
The client is one of the leading conglomerates in communication industry with presence in 9 countries and over 3,000 employees.One of their main business revenue is daily operations of digital campaigns on their platform for their clients.
Problem Statement
Client has been running numerous digital campaigns on their platform with broad targeting which leads to low digital campaign performance with high budget spending, thereby limiting their ability to optimise digital campaign performance.
ADA’s XACT segmentation allowed refined targeting approach which requires only small digital advertising budget spending (e.g. 5%) for client to test which of the cluster is the ideal target group from the broad audience in running digital campaign. The ideal cluster was crafted based on XACT attributes of interest or affluence level derived from ADA’s proprietary modelling :
· Affluence Targeting - High /Mid / Low affluence group
· Interest Targeting - Wealth Manager, Social Butterflies, Health Fanatics, Gamers, Entertainment Junkies, Budget Managers, Workout Warriors, Bookworm, Creative Crowd, Phone Enthusiast,etc.
ADA helped client to maximize digitaladvertising budget spending (e.g., the remaining 95%) for significant digital campaignperformance improvement by targeting only the best-performing affluence group.Some of the digital campaign performance improvement results are as shown below:
increase in reach
increase in conversion rate (CVR)
increase in click through rate (CTR)
reduction in cost per acquisition (CPA)
decrease in cost per click (CPC)